SCINT 2024
17th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications

Dear conference participants,

Only manuscripts that have been presented at the conference are eligible for publication in the special issue on SCINT 2024 in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), nominally scheduled for August 2025.  However, manuscripts will be available on IEEE Xplore to be read and cited by others shortly after acceptance.  Manuscript submission will open on August 12, 2024, and will close on October 13, 2024.

To submit your manuscript to TNS, please do the following:

  1. Create your manuscript using the TNS Word or LaTex template.  You will find formatting and content instructions in the template.
  2. Go to ScholarOne Manuscripts and log in (creating a new account, if necessary, but do contact if you think you may already have an account to ask if you do)
  3. Follow the link to start a new submission in the authors’ area.
  4. Follow the step-by-step instructions to enter various information and to upload your manuscript files. Be sure to select “SCINT 2024” as the “Type”.   
  5. You will be asked to list your coauthors.  Please check with your co-authors to determine if they already have an account at ScholarOne Manuscript.  Use existing accounts, if possible, before creating new ones.

TNS is a hybrid journal. If your paper is accepted for publication, you can choose to have it published open access upon commitment to pay the current open access fee, and after you execute the appropriate CC-BY license. If you decline to pay the open access fee, you will be asked, upon acceptance, to execute a copyright transfer agreement.  If you have not chosen open access publishing, IEEE will not publish your accepted paper until the copyright transfer agreement is executed. 

Please provide at least two preferred reviewers. Good candidates include colleagues working in the same field (but not from the authors’ groups), or perhaps your session conveners.

Please read the instructions on Publishing Policy in the IEEE Author Center carefully and follow those steps, especially after the acceptance and publication of your article.  Also, please review the guidelines (blue menu)  for TNS authors at About TNS.

If you need further guidance or suggestions, ask the Senior Editor, Dr. Federico Moretti,, or the TNS Editor in Chief, Dr. Zane Bell,

Guest Editors

Senior Guest Editor

Federico Moretti
(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA)

Guest Editors

Guillame Bertrand (CEA, France)
Jan Pejchal (FZU, Czech Republic)
Francesca Cova (University of Milano – Bicocca, Italy)
Loris Martinazzoli (CERN, Switzerland)
Mikhail Korjik (Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus.)
Maksym Buryi (IPP – Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Republic)