IEEE fellowship

SCINT 2024

17th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications

NPSS “From Membership to Leadership” Travel Support

Application Deadline: At time of Abstract submittal.

Support: Selected applicants will be reimbursed for approved expenses up to USD 1500 associated with traveling to and participating in an IEEE NPSS sponsored or co-sponsored conference.

Application requirements: See instructions below.

Description: NPSS AdCom recently approved funding for the “From Membership to Leadership (FML)” Initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to introduce young members of our society to service opportunities via the NPSS Membership Table that is present at all NPSS sponsored conferences. Each FML person selected will be able to claim up to $1500 of travel support as a student, post-doc or young professional member of our society to attend an NPSS conference. A young professional applicant is eligible for up to ten years from the graduation date of their highest degree. To receive this support the individual will be required to help staff the NPSS Membership Table at the conference at least 2-hours a day. There will also be a senior society member at the booth to orient the awardee on operating the booth and to provide general mentorship with regards to volunteer service to the society. Our hope is that individuals that receive this travel support will become future volunteer leaders of IEEE NPSS. The FML Initiative will award up to two travel reimbursements per IEEE NPSS sponsored conference. Recipients of FML travel support must follow IEEE travel rules, which will be provided to the recipient at the time they are notified of their selection to receive the support.

Funding: Funded by the IEEE NPSS From Membership to Leadership Initiative.

Application Instructions:

●  Eligibility: Applicants must have submitted an abstract to the Conference and be an IEEE and NPSS member. All individuals that submit the required application documents will be considered by the FML committee for selection. Applicants will be notified as soon as a decision has been made if they have been selected for this travel support.

Application: Applicants need to submit responses to the four questions listed below about why they are applying for the FML travel support and their interest in volunteer opportunities within IEEE NPSS and their specific technical society. Please limit responses to less than two pages (12 pt font).

  1. What motivates you to want to volunteer a tour conference?

  2. Please describe a previous volunteer experience and what you gained from it.

  3. Have you volunteered at an IEEE conference before? If yes,please describe the role and your experience.

  4. What are the reasons that you became an IEEE member?

Recommendations: Each applicant is required to have at least one letter of recommendation from their supervisor/mentor(s) or senior colleague supporting their application for the FML travel support. Applicants can submit up to two letters of recommendation with their application.

Basis for judging: Selection of FML Travel support awardees will be based upon applicant responses and their letters of recommendation. A maximum of two awardees will be selected per IEEE NPSS conference. For some conferences only one awardee may be selected. The FML Initiative sub-committee will select the awardees for a given conference.

● While an advisor can write letters of recommendation for more than one individual, only one individual will receive travel support from a single laboratory.

Please send completed applications and letters of recommendation to  as soon as possible if the start of conference is less than 2 months away. Include in the Subject line of the email: IEEE NPSS FML Travel Support Application.                  Please send documents as PDF files.

●  Collecting data on submission: Application form and letters of recommendation.

●  IEEE Membership requirements: Required IEEE and NPSS